With this year marking the 5th anniversary of the award program, the Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association (AHATA) is excited to announce the special dinner ceremony for the 2022 AHATA Excellence Awards, on Saturday.
147 companies of all types belong to AHATA membership, and each is given the opportunity to nominate their most exceptional employee for the special recognition. Each honoree exemplifies an extraordinary passion and commitment to service, contributing significantly towards a successful tourism industry and economic productivity.
The honorees will be presented with a special certificate and a monetary gift courtesy of AHATA during a celebratory dinner event to be held in the Hyatt Regency Ballroom.
AHATA is very grateful for this year’s main sponsor; Elite Productions & Entertainment, as well as beverage sponsor; Balashi Brewery, and venue sponsor; Hyatt Regency Aruba Resort.
Following the awards evening, each recipient will be announced on social media and further highlighted with a short video interview in which they describe their motivation for achieving excellence in their daily work. Follow their inspirational messages on AHATA’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/arubahotelandtourismassociation
Posted on Dec 01, 2022